Hi, I’m Julian. New York raised but Copenhagen based. I am a multidisciplinary designer who loves big ideas and thoughtful design with a playful touch.

Welcome to Rehab
A role-playing board game with a socialogical twist. Play as a reformed criminal and try to escape re-offending.
Game Design
Typical Eats Website
A new platform that makes it easier for tourists to find the best restaurants that serve top notch local food reviewed by locals.
Master’s Project: By Green Thumb
I created a series of tools that make it easier for young people to be more green conscious.
Product Design, Concept Design, Interaction Design
Feedgoods Omega 3 Packaging
Packaging made for an Omega 3 vitamin supplement for Feedgoods Group aimed at the Chinese market.
Graphic Design, Branding, Packaging
Feedgoods Multivitamin Packaging
Multivitamin supplements packaging for Feedgoods Group aimed towards the Chinese market.
Graphic Design, Packaging, Branding
Drip Coffee Sachet Packaging
This packaging was inspired by the Chinese highlands where the coffee hails from.
Feedgoods Brand Guidelines
This is the brand manual that I created for a new socially conscious brand called Feedgoods.
Graphic Design, Branding, Creative Direction
Facilitating Goodness
A social design project intended to see if it is possible to improve public spaces through urban hacking.
Interaction Design
Humanitrack Banner Illustrations
Digital illustrations for Humanitrack, a science and tech open-source knowledge hub tackling global challenges powered by an impact-driven community.
Spilbanden is an anonymous group that wishes to create a more social atmosphere when commuting through games.
Interaction Design, Graphic Design, Print Design
The Global Smart Phone Orchestra
A global symphony of smart-phones got together for one day to perform Mozart's 41st symphony.
Interaction Design, Branding, Typography
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